Friday, January 8, 2021

Pinterest joins in, unveils Story Pins tool

As to showcase the evolution and popularity of quick-hit videos on social media, Pinterest has also joined in on the party.

To summarize, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest are among the platforms that have changed their designs to give users the option of Story Pins.

In article by, Pinterest’s head of content, creator and homefeed product David Temple told reporters that Pinterest’s approach is different in a few key ways.

“Story features on other platforms are designed to show you what people are doing,” Temple said. “Story Pins are designed to show you how people are trying new ideas and new products. That means the features and intent are dramatically different.”

Pinterest is a little different as far as content. The content that drives Pinterest is people looking for "inspiration." That includes gift ideas, recipes, vacation spots, products, etc.

A blog said, "Some 84% of weekly users use Pinterest to help decide what to buy. According to Pinterest, 55% of Pinners are specifically looking for products. And 83% of weekly users have made a purchase based on content they see from brands on Pinterest."

So if you're a business that sells services and/or products, Pinterest is worth a hard look.

Here are the step-by-step screens.

This is your home screen. Along the top is where you'll see the stories. You can add to your story at the top or by tapping on the plus in the center-bottom.

When you click/tap to create a story or pin, these will be your options. If you want to create a standard pin, which is like a Facebook post, you'll click/tap "pin." If you want a story pin, click/tap on "story pin."

Then you'll get this screen. You can create up to a 60-second story pin.

This is where you can edit your story pin, such as design. Then you'll click "Next."

This will be your final screen to make finishing touches. Once completed the "publish" button will change color and you're good to go!

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