Thursday, October 27, 2022

YouTube rolling out profile handles

Over the next several weeks, YouTube channels will have a different, but an important, new look to them in hopes of creating a more connected network.

In an announcement, YouTube said, "over the coming weeks YouTube will be introducing handles to make it easier for members of the community to find and connect with each other. Your handle will be unique to your channel and will be how people mention you in comments, community posts, and more."

Handles are a part of several social media platforms, most notably with Twitter and Instagram. But they're also used on Facebook and TikTok, to name a few others. The purpose of handles on social media is to make it easier for users to connect content with each other such as shout-outs.

YouTube is contacting users via email notifying them of the change and the process on how users will be able to create their handles for their channels.

Here’s what you need to know, according to YouTube:

"We're gradually rolling out the ability to choose a handle for all channels over the coming weeks, and you will receive another email and a notification in YouTube Studio when you’re able to choose yours. In most cases, if you already have a personalized URL for your channel, we’ve reserved this for you as your handle. If you want a different handle from the one we’ve reserved, you can change it. If you don’t already have a personalized URL today, you’ll also be able to choose a handle for your channel.

"Starting on Nov. 14, 2022, if you haven’t yet selected a handle for your channel, YouTube will automatically assign you a handle, which you can change in YouTube Studio if you'd like."

Here are some additional resources to help prepare you for the change:

Q/A about YouTube handles

What will be different with YouTube handles


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