Wednesday, March 31, 2021

LinkedIn tapping into audio rooms trend

Given the rise in popularity of Clubhouse and audio-based social interaction, it comes as no surprise that LinkedIn is also developing its own audio rooms product to tap into the trend.

In a statement from LinkedIn, via “We’re seeing nearly 50% growth in conversations on LinkedIn reflected in video shares, stories and posts on the platform. We’re doing some early tests to create a unique audio experience connected to your professional identity. And, we're looking at how we can bring audio to other parts of LinkedIn such as events and groups, to give our members even more ways to connect to their community.”

This could be a new way of doing job interviews.

Click here to read the full article.

Creating the successful TikTok video

I've documented it several times about TikTok's growth and influence. But one thing that remains unanswered is how TikTok can improve a brand's marketing, if at all. The platform continues to work with tools to help businesses understand that.

Another important question is, if TikTok works or fits for your brand, how do you create the right video?

Keena Kelly, a TikTok expert, recently did a video with Social Media Examiner going over video creation tips for TikTok.

To watch the video, "TikTok Videos That Grow a Following: The Formula for Success," click here.

Understanding return on investment

A study released by Statista showed the estimated amount to be spent on digital advertising in 2021 will be $389.29 billion. That is an increase from $332.84 billion in 2020. The study also indicated digital advertising spending will grow to an estimated $526.17 billion in 2024.

Because of that, we have to be more aware of our return on investment or ROI.

The ROI is just that, understanding your return on your investment in an advertising campaign. One warning: it is an estimation. But, it is a valuable source of information to see what you're spending is worth it.

ROI can be calculated in a couple ways:

  • ROI = net return on investment / cost of investment x 100%
  • ROI = final value of investment - initial value of investment / cost of investment x 100%
Another way to look at it is:
  • ROI = sales growth - marketing cost / marketing cost x 100%
  • ROI = Return - expenses x 100 / expenses

So, for example:

If you spent $500 on an ad campaign and it netted you $1,500 in sales, here's what the ROI would look like:
  • 1,000 (difference between income and expense) / 500 x 100% = 200%
Or, if you spent $500 on an ad campaign and it netted $600 in total sales:
  • 100 / 500 x 100% = 20%

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

How will the Apple iOS 14.5 changes influence marketing?

Big changes are coming with Apple's iOS 14.5 update, which appears ready to hit the public market fairly soon. It's already out in public beta form. Among the changes is being able to unlock your phone using your face while wearing a mask.

One of the biggest changes has to do with privacy data and collection. The iOS 14.5's privacy changes will require apps to ask for user permission before tracking data and activity. This extends on a change with iOS 14.3, which lets users see what data apps collect before they hit download.

To read more about the changes, click here.

So, what does that mean for marketers?

Per "Currently, Facebook can track user activity on other websites and in other apps. The most popular way is through Facebook pixels, which are pieces of code installed on a website or app. When a user visits your site and takes an action (adds an item to their cart, makes a purchase, visits a landing page, etc.), the pixel notifies Facebook where that information is stored as data for your campaigns. ...

"With the iOS 14 update, you’re only allowed to place eight pixel objectives on a single domain, which will significantly reduce the amount of data you can collect, report on, and leverage.

"Keep in mind that users who opt out of the data sharing permission won’t be trackable by pixels."

It's a major change and thankfully outlined tips on how to adjust.

Click here to read the full article.

ARTICLE: Instagram Announces That Stories Drafts are Coming Soon

Instagram announced March 23 it will soon add a new option to save your Instagram Stories as drafts, to be posted at a later stage.

Read more about it via by clicking here.

Important notice: Facebook new Pages experience, plus change to Hootsuite's free plan

Here is a message I received recently from Hootsuite:

"Facebook recently started rolling out a new Page experience that is not yet compatible with 3rd party platforms like Hootsuite. We encourage you not to opt into the new Page experience and continue to use classic Pages with Hootsuite until Facebook finishes building full management support for this Page type. 

"To continue managing your Facebook Page(s) in Hootsuite without issue, please switch your Page(s) back to classic if you are already on the new experience. Please note, when switching back, any posts created in the new Page experience will no longer be available.

For a full list of impacted activities and how to switch back to a Classic Page, see Facebook’s new Pages experience and Hootsuite by clicking here."

In addition, Hootsuite has announced changes to its free plan.

Read more about that by clicking here.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Understanding e-mail marketing: E-mail blast or newsletter?

Email marketing is a handy tool for your business. You can use it to reach members of your audience and help increase their desire to make a purchase of whatever it is your selling, such as tickets to an event, a product or a service.

Within email marketing, there are several types of emails that can help build relationships. These include newsletters and e-blasts. Both can be ideal for your business. However, they are different and understanding their best use will help you grow your email marketing list as well as get a better return on your emails.

What is a newsletter?

Newsletters serve as long-form updates from your business. The goal is bring readers back to a website.

Their best uses include:

  • Sharing recent business news
  • Upcoming events
  • New services or products
  • New blogs entry or entries
Newsletters should be structured with several sections and a variety of calls to action or CTA. 

Newsletters are generally sent out monthly or quarterly, depending on your business, and your customers’ wants and needs

What is an e-blast?

E-blasts are different from newsletters because they should carry one message, such as an event announcement, an upcoming sale, etc.

The goal of an e-mail blast is simple: Get people to a website ASAP.

The design generally includes a snippet of information and a button that leads readers back to your site to take action.

Which is best for your business?

Both are useful tools in a digital marketing strategy. But you must know which is better for your business.

Here's an example of an e-mail blast:

You're a construction company offering a free consultation for a limited time. You'd want to send out an e-blast to your customers to let them know.

Here's an example of a newsletter:

You're a construction company that received an award, but also have some job openings. You'd want to do that in newsletter form.

Essentially, if your "news" has a timeliness to it (an expiration), use the e-blast. If you have "news" that doesn't have an expiration, compile it into a collection to be sent in a newsletter.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Report looks at TikTok brand

One of the big questions in social media and digital marketing is how can we utilize TikTok?

Streaming analytics provider Conviva recently published its latest TikTok benchmarks and strategy report, which provides insight based on more 900 branded TikTok accounts, from across 10 industries. 

As noted in the report, via 

"2020 was the year TikTok exploded. Likely accelerated by the pandemic, TikTok seemed to be the one app everyone was talking about as they were stuck inside. For many, TikTok was a distraction; for others, it was a creative outlet. However you used it, in 2020 TikTok found a permanent place within popular culture."

The report is 45 pages (I've got some reading to do). The report is available for download (via email sign-up here), and it includes a range of insights, including the most followed brand accounts, along with those that have seen the fastest growth.

If you do take the time to read the document, be sure to keep in mind what your audience is. Yes, TikTok is popular, but if it's not your audience, you'll waste time and money.

Here are some bullet points from the report:
  • Of the accounts measured, the average growth from February 2020 to February 2021 was 604k followers with sports media accounts charting the largest average yearly increase at 1.179 million, followed by streaming accounts at 825k.
  • Netflix was the 2020-2021 winner on TikTok, gaining 10.6 million followers in the past year, more than any other account measured. ESPN came in second at 10 million followers in the past year.
  • It takes effort and consistency to grow. The average account posted 241 videos while the top 20 accounts with the most followers posted an average of 1721 videos each.
Happy reading!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Facebook testing 'Green Screen' option for stories

Popularized by TikTok and Snapchat, Facebook says it will explore implementing "green screens" for stories creators, according to

With "green screens," users can overlay their video over a selected video or image and upload it onto their Stories reel. Twitter has also recently begun work on implementing this tool on its Fleets option.

This could provide an unique branding opportunity for businesses.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Clubhouse growth has challenges ahead

Clubhouse is the latest social media buzz platform. It's focus is audio communication between users. It's similar to chat rooms from the old days, but using voice instead of how fast we can pound on the keyboard.

It's seen remarkable growth, according to Per its estimates, Clubhouse grew from about 3.5 million global downloads as of Feb. 1 to reach 8.1 million by Feb. 16. That is a more than 161% increase in only two weeks.

Other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, are responding by working on creating their own such tool.

Currently, getting on Clubhouse is by invitation only. I just finally got an invite a few days ago after signing up for it several weeks ago. But, considering the increased competition, Clubhouse says it has a problem in trying to keep up with the demand.

Clubhouse is also not available on Android, which could hurt the platform's growth, especially if Facebook's and Twitter's variations of the idea take off.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Facebook changes aim to better experience, trust

Faith and trust in the social media giant Facebook is dwindling. 

In 2020, a survey by The Verge and Vox Media polled more than 1,500 people and out of that only 40 percent of respondents said they trust Facebook with their information. The survey also found that the lack of trust might be correlated with its size and privacy policies.

A year earlier, a Pew Research study showed more than half of Facebook users said they are not comfortable with Facebook maintaining a list of users’ traits and interests.

On March 17, Tom Alison, the VP of Engineering at Facebook, posted a blog called "Changes to Keep Facebook Groups Safe." (Click here to read the full post)

Facebook's Groups tool is at the heart of why social media was created in the first place: to create a group of people with similar interests, backgrounds, etc. As Facebook and social media evolved, the value of advertising on social media greatly increased as well. Thus, that began the idea of tracking user activity to help marketers target potential customers, especially with digital advertising.

Over the years, the depth of information being tracked kept growing. It also led to Facebook developing algorithms that helped prioritize content based on users' preferences and interests.

Now because of growing concerns over privacy and who has what information and what they're doing with it, social media companies such as Facebook are coming under fire for that.

In Alison's blog post, he said, "It’s important to us that people can discover and engage safely with Facebook groups so that they can connect with others around shared interests and life experiences. That’s why we’ve taken action to curb the spread of harmful content, like hate speech and misinformation, and made it harder for certain groups to operate or be discovered, whether they’re Public or Private. When a group repeatedly breaks our rules, we take it down entirely."

Alison also said, "As behaviors evolve on our platform, though, we recognize we need to do more. This is why we recently removed civic and political groups, as well as newly created groups, from recommendations in the US."

What sets Groups apart from the newsfeed is that advertising isn't made within Groups. In addition, Groups moderators have control of content, rather than computers or math formulas.

Again, it goes back to Groups being in control of their content so they can engage in content that's relevant to them without outside interference.

Alison said, "There is always more to do to keep Facebook Groups safe, and we will continue to build and invest to make sure people can rely on these places for connection and support."

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Understanding referrals in Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4, the latest analytics program, can be challenging at first to understand.

It's been slowly integrated into the industry over the last several months. With it is extensive learning and adjusting to the new measurements, tools and data available. Some terminology has changed. Some presentation of data in previous versions have changed. The biggest change to keep in mind is what Google values as valuable information to you as a website analyst or marketer: engagement.

The Google Analytics 4, or GA-4, platform focuses on a person's engagement or event on a website. An event can be a scroll, a click, downloading a PDF, submitting a form, navigating to multiple pages and more. Essentially any action on the site will be considered an event and an engagement.

According to Google, the reason for this emphasis is because it was believed that data like bounce rate gave an inaccurate perception of a website's performance. A site that has a high bounce rate may be considered failing. But, in actuality, it may not be that bad. It could simply be the person found what they were looking for and then went away.

There are many important data points in GA-4 that'll help evaluate the success of your website.

One of those is understanding referral traffic or traffic acquisition.

Traffic acquisition is simply the source of where people came from to get to your site. This was called source/referral in Google Analytics Universal or GA-3.

There are three kinds of traffic acquisition or source/referral:

  • Organic = a search engine result (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)
  • Referral = referred by another website or social media
  • Direct/none = referral is unknown or user setting prevent tracking
With "direct/none," there are several possibilities that unfortunately we won't be able to know. Those include:

  • User types in the URL.
  • User clicks on a bookmark in their web browser.
  • User clicks on a link in an email.
  • User clicks on a link in document, such as a PDF, DocX, ODF, XLSX.
  • User clicks on a link in a mobile app.
  • User clicks on a link from a secured site (https://) to your non-secured site (http://)
  • User clicks through a URL-shortener
You may also come across "not set."

Here's how Google defines it:

"(not set) is a placeholder name that Analytics uses when it hasn't received any information for the dimension you have selected. The reasons for (not set) appearing as a dimension value vary according to the report."

Saturday, March 20, 2021

TikTok offers tips to gain customers

TikTok is breaking into e-commerce. Given TikTok's sharp rise in popularity, this is going to be very interesting to watch develop. We've become infatuated with short-form video (15-60 seconds), which is the root of TikTok's popularity.

A recent blog post from TikTok outlines five tips on how to attract customers via TikTok.

Click here for the full article.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Twitter unveils new tools to boost your business

E-commerce is growing. KWSM, a digital marketing agency, revealed E-commerce sales were around $861 billion, which is up 44% from 2019. In addition, it said 67% of businesses use Twitter as a marketing tool.

Twitter recently announced its intent to offer business profiles on its platform, just like what you see with the business pages on Facebook and Instagram. (Click here to read previous blog post)

In an article by KWSM, it showed the tools that Twitter hopes will help marketers better boost their business.

Click here for the full article.

How to use Snapchat for your business

It's been well documented 2020 was a year of change, especially with the growth of e-commerce. Because of that, several social media platforms are trying to adjust to that.

A recent article by KWSM, a digital marketing agency, looked out why a business should consider Snapchat as part of their digital marketing. It include a couple key stats to consider if you are indeed considering Snapchat.

  • 82% of all Snapchat users are under 34 years old.
  • Over 210 million snaps are created on Snapchat every day. 
The first bullet point is key. If your demographic doesn't fall in that category, then Snapchat is probably not a useful tool for you and/or your business.

If it is, then click here for the full article about how to use Snapchat for your business.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Facebook Shares Details of Coming Newsletter Platform to Attract Top Creators

Following Twitter's lead, Facebook is looking to make the jump into a newsletter tool on its platform.

According to an article by, Facebook is exploring the newsletter option as a potential way to help creators generate more revenue from their efforts.

As explained by Facebook via

"As writers, experts and journalists publish more of their work independently, we’re working to better support those efforts and make it easier for those content creators to build businesses online. In the coming months in the U.S., we’ll introduce a new platform to empower independent writers, helping them reach new audiences and grow their businesses."

Click here for the full article.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

A guide for transitioning to Google Analytics 4

The transition from Google Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 is ongoing. It does take some time to get used to, but there are positives with the changes.

To help you better prepare and execute the transition to Google Analytics 4 (or GA4), here is a PDF I came across that I think is very useful.

Click here.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Social media stats to know

It's hard to not feel a bit old when you hear this.

In 2021, Facebook will turn 17. Yes! 17! I remember when I was first told about it and I was like, "Huh?" Well, now we live in an era with people who have no idea what it's like to live in a world without Facebook and social media. Scary isn't it?

Here are some interesting links to articles showcasing numbers about social media just for fun, but also for good knowledge from a marketing standpoint.,do%20so%20in%202021%20too.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Improving your local SEO

I've discussed this several times about how to improve your search engine optimization, or SEO. It has direct influence on how people find you and/or your business online. But, equally important is making sure your local audience, or target audience (specifically their location) is finding you.

That's where local SEO comes into play.

Make sure your Google business listing is up to date, which hours, location and website address. You can do this through Google My Business, which is free.

When users are searching for your business, the result will appear usually in the right-hand corner of your screen. It's almost a preview of your website, which lists the items I mentioned previously. Make sure you have as much information as possible, and make sure it's up to date. It also doesn't hurt to have a photo, especially of a storefront if you have one.

After you’ve completed your business profile through Google, don't forget about the online business directories (such as Yellow Pages). Put your name, address, and phone number in all relevant business directories. Also consider:

Reaching out to Yelp support to make sure the business information is up to date is HUGE. Yelp has Yelp for Business Owners accounts, which allows you to respond quickly to customer reviews and view analytics for visitor activity on your Yelp page. It is a paid service, however. It also provides conversion opportunities, through paid advertising on the Yelp platform.

Angie’s List is a popular source, especially those offering services such as lawn care or personal training, for example. Angie’s List relies heavily on customer service and quality grades for listed businesses. Businesses can register for a free account.

Yahoo Local is useful for smaller businesses. Yahoo Local saves you time by populating your business details in several directories.

Contact your local Chamber of Commerce. To attract local traffic and/or relevant customers, list your business through your local Chamber of Commerce. Some development arms of local and state government also publish online business directories. 

Beef up content and post to all your social media accounts. Social media platforms are a proven way to win customer engagement and shares across several platforms.

The final step to enhance local search results is to make sure your website connects to the community. That means, have a strong Contact page. Make sure it’s titled as such in the page name and heading on your website. Make sure that your name, address, and other contact information is listed in the meta description for that page.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

YouTube numbers and changes to know

On Friday, March 12, Michael Stelzner of hosted Diana Gladney, a YouTube expert, about YouTube's latest figures as well as some changes to be aware of.

Gladney said 100 million people are streaming YouTube from their televisions. In addition, the ages 18-49 group is quickly growing on YouTube. She attributed that to those people cutting their cable and moving to streaming platforms.

She also reported that YouTube had $6.89 billion in ad revenue in the fourth quarter of 2020, a 46% increase from the same period in 2019.

It's become apparent and Stelzner pointed this out that YouTube is "not shrinking anytime soon."

A change coming, likely in May 2021 according to Gladney, is YouTube Clips. It's a newly adopted sharing feature where people can share segments or clips of a video rather than the whole video or from a starting point. Then, people can have the option to watch the entire video after they've seen the clip. The clip will also loop. Parameters include clip having to be between 15-60 seconds.

One of YouTube's latest features is Shorts. (Click here for some of my previous blog posts about the YouTube Shorts feature) What is Shorts? Think of it as TikTok, short-form video with less than 60 seconds and shot vertically.

Gladney said there are several things to keep in mind when using Shorts.

  • Use an original video if you're going to utilize YouTube Shorts. So, for example, if something you're creating for TikTok is something you'd also like to make available in YouTube Shorts, it's best to shoot and edit an original video, then share to those respective platforms separately. That way, you're not dealing with watermarks, but also algorithms will recognize it as organic content.
  • If you do decide to share a TikTok-created video on YouTube and you use audio (such as a song), make sure it passes YouTube's copyright rules.
  • When using YouTube Shorts, include #shorts in your post to help with content awareness.
Last point discussed was analytics. YouTube has made several strides to improve the analytics available to video creators. A new tool is evidence of that.

From your YouTube Studio page, go to your Channel Analytics. Then go to Advanced Mode. You should get a pop-out grid. In the upper-right hand corner (if you're using a desktop), is Compare To. From there, you can compare videos, playlists against each other and see which ones are performing well or not.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Understanding Google Analytics 4

If you're like me, still trying to make sense of Google Analytics 4, I understand and feel your frustrations. What do these terms mean? What are these measurements? What should I be measuring?

I've spent a considerable amount of time studying Google Analytics 4 and trying to get an understanding of it. I feel like I've progressed very well. It takes a lot of time and studying. The jury is still out on whether I'm completely sold on it. There are some things with Google Analytics UA that I really like and vice versa with GA-4.

One thing is clear with GA-4, the analytics and the measurements are focused on site engagement, page clicks, page scrolls, form downloads, etc. Google's reasoning for this based on several resources I've read is things like "bounce rate" weren't a true reflection of a site's or page's performance. I can see that. The UA data setup didn't favor engagement, rather page visits/duration. For that, I think that's a good fix.

The way Google defines engagement is an event. And an event in GA-4 is being actively engaged with your website (doing something on a page or site for at least 10 seconds, "firing" a conversion event which includes a purchase or visit two or more screens/pages).

In one of the links below, you'll see engagement like these, for example:

For a content publisher, engagement may be scrolling slowly down the page, indicating the user is scrolling to read vs scrolling to find out length of article.

For an ecommerce site, engagement may be viewing product details, or spending a certain amount of time on a page.

For an online banking app, engagement may be check an account balance.

For a college site, engagement may be watching an informational video.

Here are some useful links I've found that have really helped me further understand GA-4, its influence and its value:

New podcast episode now available

Now available is my latest podcast: Facebook expert suggests changes coming for Groups tool.

It can be downloaded on Apple, iHeart, TuneIn Radio, Spotify and Buzzsprout. Search "Dettmann Media."

Twitter unveils idea for business account option on platform

Photo credit: Social media expert Matt Navarra

In an article post on, Twitter revealed its plans or idea to potentially adopt business accounts for businesses on its platform, similar to what Facebook and Instagram have.

The article says, "the new business profiles, in their current proposed form, would include several new elements, including verification by default, a business category, a new panel for business information (like location, hours of operation, etc.), and a new business profile badge to signify that it is an official, recognized business presence."

I love this move for Twitter. I think it'll greatly enhance the value, especially for a business, on Twitter.

Read the full article here.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

More about how to do a social media audit

This is an expansion of a previous post about how to do a social media audit and why you should (Click here to read the previous post).

A social media audit helps you understand your brand's social media presence. It's a necessary step and should be done about every six months.

A social media audit should tell you:

  • Your audience/demographics.
  • What posts performed well, which ones didn't.
  • How are your campaigns performing.
  • Number of posts
  • Page/post likes
  • Post reach
  • Engagement
What a social media audit will also tell you is:

  • Whether fake accounts are stealing your fans
  • Review outdated profiles that you need to revive, repurpose, or shut down
  • New opportunities to grow and engage your audience.
Some good tactics to follow to do a social media audit is:
  • Search the web for your social media profiles. Are there fake ones? Are there ones you didn't know about?
  • Search each of the social media platforms and see what comes up.
  • Once you do the above two bullet points, what are the results? Analyze them. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Why you should have a social media calendar

If you have social media in your marketing strategy, then you need to have a social media calendar.

There is more to posting to social media than just posting to social media. You have to know your audience: When are they online? Did they interact with your post? Was it a positive interaction? Was it negative? Those are questions you should ask yourself with every social media post you make for your brand.

A social media calendar aids that important area.

Why should you have a social media calendar?

  • Keeps your organized.
  • Allows you to plan for posting based on the trends you've analyzed from previous postings.
  • Helps you maintain consistent posting, whatever you define that to be, based on your previous postings (i.e. social listening).
  • Helps you to proofread.
  • Don't miss out on important dates such as National Meatball Day (which is March 9) if you're an Italian restaurant.
  • Easier to monitor several campaigns you may be running.
  • Helps you to get in a mindset of planning your content, such as getting photos or video for National Meatball Day.

Monday, March 8, 2021

ARTICLE: Facebook Provides Tips on How to Maximize Paid Online Events

Last summer, Facebook created a paid online events option to its platform as a way for businesses, especially theater companies, to make money off online events.

In this video via, Facebook product manager Aurora Kurland outlines how paid online events work, and what people have been using them for during the pandemic.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

ARTICLE: TikTok Launches New TikTok for Business Profile to Share Key Tips and Insights

If you've followed me for the last several weeks, you would know that I'm on TikTok as far as emphasizing that it is time to review of whether TikTok works for your digital marketing strategy.

The reason for my belief in this is because TikTok, seemingly daily, is making changes to its platform to capitalize on its enormous growth and is ready for people to start making money off its platform and vice versa.

According to, "TikTok has launched a new TikTok for Business profile in the app, through which it will share platform marketing tips, usage insights and preview upcoming events to help advertisers make the most of the platform."

Read more about it here.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

50 of the Most Important LinkedIn Stats for 2021

If you're wondering if LinkedIn should be part of social media and digital marketing strategy, this article by is a good resource.

In it are 50 statistics to help you decide what you should or shouldn't do with LinkedIn.

For example:

  • Among the 660 million LinkedIn members, Europe has over 206 million users. The United States has over 167 million, while the remaining members are from other countries and territories. The platform is available in 24 languages.

Click here for the full article.

INFOGRAPHIC: Snapchat Shares New Insights on Video Engagement Levels Within the App

Snapchat has shared new insights related to how users interact with its app. Snapchat acknowledged that 2020 saw a dramatic shift in social media usage, both in frequency and how. They call it "2020, the year that changed video consumption."

I know personally I have the app and have seen a great change with the app and how people use it. It's being considered more aggressively in my own marketing strategies.

From Snapchat via "The results show that Snapchat, in particular, drives high emotional engagement, with even its ad content reaching engagement levels above the industry mean. Higher immersion improves the likelihood of ad recall, and subsequent action, which is important to note for marketers."

For the full article, including the full report by Snapchat, click here.

ARTICLE: How the Facebook Algorithm Works in 2021 and How to Make it Work for You

Hootsuite, in a recent blog, reported organic reach, specifically with Facebook, is declining. The blog says, "The average reach for an organic Facebook post is down to 5.2%."

That is down from 5.5% in 2019 and 7.7% in 2018.

In addition, according to Hootsuite, the average engagement rate in 2020 for an organic Facebook post was 0.25%. That number drops to 0.08% for those with more than 100,000 followers.

Keeping in mind these numbers change once you put some money behind the posts, i.e. boosting posts. Having organic and paid posting strategy in your marketing strategy is important. But, for the small businesses or organizations, there may not be all sorts of money to throw around. Thus, you're relying on organic reach. And that is, as you read previously, is growing increasingly difficult.

You've heard me say about creating content that focuses on engagement. But there is more to it, time of day, day of week, interests are also factors. And since everyone is different, it's hard to master this.

Thankfully, Facebook is recognizing these struggles and has decided to aid marketers.

Read more about it here.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Facebook expert gives heads up about Groups future on platform

Mari Smith, a Facebook marketing expert, appeared on Michael Stelzer's and's show Friday and presented some changes looming for Facebook, as well as indicating big shifts coming with the platform's groups tool.

To start the show, Smith and Stelzner talked about a new app Facebook is working on called Bars. In short, it's an app that is aimed at music creators, specifically rappers. The app would be an opportunity for collaboration among rap artists. How this differs from TikTok is that songs on TikTok are by lip syncing. With Bars, it is the users' own audio. Smith said this likely won't mean much to marketers, but it shows the steps Facebook is trying to take to solidify its future and get people away from other platforms, like TikTok.

A big discussion points through the 20-plus minute program was the future of Facebook Groups. Some data was presented.

  • 1.8 billion people use Facebook groups monthly.
  • There are 70 million Facebook group moderators.
  • More than 50% of people are in five or more Facebook groups.
Stelzner said this and I agree, people are gravitating toward Groups more than the regular Facebook platform because people want to "be part of a special group." Isn't that what social media is about? Being part of a group? Facebook does a great job in capitalizing on this and is a leader in this method.

With that, though, are some potential changes, but ones that don't appear they'll take away the groups experience.

One of those potential changes suggested by Smith was ad placements within groups or recruiting sponsorships for groups. Plus, Facebook groups may become searchable in Google.

Lastly, Smith and Stelzner discussed the 2021 vision for Facebook by Mark Zuckerberg.

Smith said Facebook and Zuckerberg are focused on four areas: community, private messaging, ecommerce and next computer platform.

The changes or potential changes with groups is an indicator of Facebook's goal regarding communities. After all, Stelzner said about 40% of people don't trust Facebook and TikTok.

IQ Rival releases in-depth social media benchmark report

When I say in-depth, I mean it. Try 132 pages. If you do have some time on your hands it is good reading and provides a lot of quality insights. But I'll try to hit the key points for you.

(If you want to read the full report, you can do by clicking here).

According to IQ Rival, a software company that specializes in social media analytics, said "This report has everything you need to measure your social media success against your competitors on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram across these 14 major industries. We also feature tons of insights about how social media engagement has changed over the last year for these industries so you can optimize your strategy in 2021. As usual, we have channel observations, best post types, Instagram and Twitter hashtags, and more."

Here were some of the key points:

  • The median engagement of a post on Facebook is 0.08%
  • The median posts per week on Facebook is 5.5.
  • Instagram engagement is 0.98%
  • Instagram posts per week is 4.0.
  • Twitter engagement is 0.045%
  • Twitter posts per week is 4.4.
You can read the full story by clicking here.

ARTICLE: LinkedIn Adds New Tools for Company Pages, Including Content Recommendation and Lead Gathering Options

I like what LinkedIn is doing here and of late.

They have stepped up their game to make sure they stay relevant in what seems like a faster-than-life changing social media universe.

With this latest implementation, LinkedIn is helping creators create the content that best suits a company's or organization's needs and doing so organically.

Read the full article by by clicking here. (There is also a video in the article)

ARTICLE: Battling burnout as a social media manager

If you're a social media manager like I am, you'll know burnout in social media is real. Thankfully I haven't been hit by it. But, again, it's real. Because of the rapid evolution and often day-to-day changes with social media, it's challenging just to stay up on trends, reports and a slew of other things you have to keep up with. And that doesn't include generating content, posting it and evaluating it.

While this article is from a year ago by, it's still quite valuable to help avoid the social media burnout.

Read more about it here.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

ARTICLE: How to Use Facebook Business Manager: A Complete Guide

What is Facebook Business Manager? How do you use it? Should I use it?

Via "Business Manager allows you to quickly see all of your pages, ad accounts, people who have assigned roles, and much more. This is especially handy when you need to revoke access to several of your business’s Facebook assets for someone who no longer works for you. Instead of having to go to all of your business assets to remove that person, you simply go to the People section in Business Manager and remove their access to everything in one click."

Read the full article here.

ARTICLE: Hootsuite releases its State of Digital report has released its annual report reviewing the latest state of digital marketing. Hootsuite, if you're not familiar, is a third-party social media scheduling tool. I use it and like it a lot. It really helps you keep multiple accounts organized.

As I've said previously in other blog posts, digital is so much more a part of our day-to-day lives because it's the best way for us to stay connected in this age of social distancing and working from home. 

Hootsuite said, "This annual report consistently tracks consumer digital behavior around the world to bring you a comprehensive, scalable, and replicable resource for building your digital strategies with confidence."

Read more about it here.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

VIDEO: How to Create Facebook Video Ads People Will Watch

We're all trying to get the most engagement and views with our videos in social media, right? It's indeed a challenge. dives into that topic in this video.

ARTICLE: Twitter Looks to Get in on the eCommerce Boom with New Shopping Experiments

Photo credit:

Twitter is looking to capitalize on the e-commerce seen in recent months caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more about it here.

ARTICLE: SEO guide, how to improve your ranking says there are nearly 1.2 BILLION websites in the world. Talk about a crowded market. It's 1,197,982,359 to be exact as of January 2021. So how do you get yours to stand out? Well, understanding SEO or search engine optimization is one way to help understand how your website is being found in that loaded community.

In this blog from Northwoods Web Solutions, it talks about on-page and off-page SEO. What's the difference? On-page SEO is using the individual page or pages on your website to try and rank higher in internet search. An example is including keywords you want users to use in order to find your site. Off-page SEO is the use of external links to your website, such as a news outlet listing your website in a news story.

It may sound difficult, but if you continue to work at it, you'll be pleased with the results. It's something I routinely work on, almost daily. Caution. It does take time to see the results, a couple months even.

Read more about this strategy by clicking here.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

ARTICLE: Social Audio: What It Means for Marketers and Businesses

Clubhouse is still young, new and has a lot of unknowns. In short, Clubhouse is a social media platform focused on audio chatrooms. Think of AOL Instant Messenger (sorry dating myself there), but with audio only. (Click here for more about Clubhouse)

But, as marketers, what do we need to know about this new app?

In this article by, some of those questions will get answered.

ARTICLE: Twitter Outlines Growth and Product Strategies in Analyst Overview

According to Twitter via, Twitter wants "123 million more users to be added within the next three years (Twitter is currently at 192m mDAU). For context, Twitter has added only 83 million mDAU over the past three years. Twitter's also looking to double its revenue, rising from $3.7 billion in 2020, to at least $7.5 billion in 2023."

Read more about it by clicking here.

Monday, March 1, 2021

ARTICLE: Top 9 video editing tools for marketing teams

If you're looking to add video to your digital marketing, you have or are asking yourself what should I use?

Well, there are plenty to choose from. But, Sprout Social offered nine worth consideration. I use three of them myself.

For the full article, click here.


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