Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Growing your LinkedIn following

While some aspects of LinkedIn have been undergoing transformations over the last several months, one thing remains steady: it's audience.

LinkedIn skews heavily toward the business professionals, usually those with at least some form of higher education beyond high school. LinkedIn users also tend to not be those younger than 21. Those users that are 21 are ones ready to move into the professional workplace from college.

One of the positives with LinkedIn is posts on it have a longer shelf life than posts on other platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter for example. I still see posts from a weeks ago in my LinkedIn feed.

There is one other thing that makes LinkedIn stand out compared to other social media platforms: trust.

Research has shown nearly 60 percent of users of social media who get their news that way don't trust what they see on social media. That is according to Search Engine Journal.

On LinkedIn, that isn't a concern because people on LinkedIn tend to be more professional.

If you own a business or oversee a business profile on LinkedIn, there are ways you can, from your personal LinkedIn profile, stand out and direct users to your company’s page. 

Post regularly

Create content to post on your personal page and share anything that was posted to your company’s page. When you share the content from your company’s LinkedIn page, it will bring more awareness to the company. Sharing content posted by others outside of your network isn't a bad idea either.

When connecting, send personalized notes

When you ask a user to join your personal LinkedIn network, it’s likely attributed to you noticing you both have similar interests or you work in the same industry. When you ask them to connect, include a note that gives them a some information and explain why you would like to join their network.

Join Groups

There are several LinkedIn groups that are specific to your industry. Join groups that you think discuss topics that would be of interest to your company’s target audience or overall goals. Make sure you are engaging in group conversations, and start paying attention to who else is an active member of the group.

Something to keep in mind.

LinkedIn connections aren’t easy to grow, but can be done. Your personal LinkedIn profile can help your business gain more leads.

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