Monday, March 29, 2021

Understanding e-mail marketing: E-mail blast or newsletter?

Email marketing is a handy tool for your business. You can use it to reach members of your audience and help increase their desire to make a purchase of whatever it is your selling, such as tickets to an event, a product or a service.

Within email marketing, there are several types of emails that can help build relationships. These include newsletters and e-blasts. Both can be ideal for your business. However, they are different and understanding their best use will help you grow your email marketing list as well as get a better return on your emails.

What is a newsletter?

Newsletters serve as long-form updates from your business. The goal is bring readers back to a website.

Their best uses include:

  • Sharing recent business news
  • Upcoming events
  • New services or products
  • New blogs entry or entries
Newsletters should be structured with several sections and a variety of calls to action or CTA. 

Newsletters are generally sent out monthly or quarterly, depending on your business, and your customers’ wants and needs

What is an e-blast?

E-blasts are different from newsletters because they should carry one message, such as an event announcement, an upcoming sale, etc.

The goal of an e-mail blast is simple: Get people to a website ASAP.

The design generally includes a snippet of information and a button that leads readers back to your site to take action.

Which is best for your business?

Both are useful tools in a digital marketing strategy. But you must know which is better for your business.

Here's an example of an e-mail blast:

You're a construction company offering a free consultation for a limited time. You'd want to send out an e-blast to your customers to let them know.

Here's an example of a newsletter:

You're a construction company that received an award, but also have some job openings. You'd want to do that in newsletter form.

Essentially, if your "news" has a timeliness to it (an expiration), use the e-blast. If you have "news" that doesn't have an expiration, compile it into a collection to be sent in a newsletter.

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