Tuesday, December 22, 2020

My 2021 predictions

We're almost to 2021. Finally! It's been a challenging year to say the least for a variety of reasons.

As we look ahead and peek into the crystal ball to forecast 2021, here are my predictions for 2021 in regards to social media and digital marketing:

Social media will continue to be a key tool for marketing

As social media continue to evolve - almost everyday - we, as marketers, have to make sure we're staying up on the latest trends in the industry.

This year, I've seen a lot of challenges in the brands I oversee in trying to reach audiences organically. But even some posts that I boost with advertising, also have difficulties. Most of those difficulties have to do with Facebook.

Facebook is still popular and obviously universally known. What is also known is the growing lack of trust users have in Facebook and the data it stores from users. Facebook is and often has been the center of legal battles as far as data protection and acquisition.

Facebook will still need to be part of your social media/digital strategies. However, you will need to be more open to other apps, especially ones that are video based.

Simple web design

Some great web designs including a lot of flash animations, videos, etc. While they look great, I don't think they add anything to the user experience on a website. To me, it looks cluttered. I forecast using simpler designs will work better in 2021. I believe using a simple website that answers the users question or addresses their desired reason for going to your page is far more valuable than being able to wow them with special effects, graphics, etc.

Videos will boom

If you're an avid user of YouTube like me, you have probably noticed the growing presence of 5- to 15-second advertisements on the platform. Research I've found revealed to me an average person's attention span, or desired attention span before being irritated a video plays at the front of a video they're trying to watch, is around 10 seconds.

With 5-second videos, you're not giving the user even enough time to be "angry" there is an ad. They're seeing the ad, which is what you're trying to do often with ads right? Create brand awareness.

If you're not willing to adopt digital into marketing strategy, good bye

Let's face it. We're a digital world. That was even more so the case in 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic. Look at all the technology that was born or greatly used in 2020: virtual meetings, apps that place delivery orders for food, more video functions on apps we've used for a long time (Twitter, Instagram).

And until we're permitted for more social gatherings, digital will be HUGE! It's how we're going to stay connected as we move into 2021 still working through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Once on the other side of the pandemic, we will realize a lot of things about how to stay connected. A lot of the habits we had before will likely be gone. The new reality will likely consist of more digital interaction.

Therefore, you need to be where the users are: on digital and on social.

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