Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Showin' some love for 'Double D'

Daily News Sports Editor

Jessi Puerling waited.
She paced all night. She couldn't sit down.
She was nervous.
Then the nerves hit a new level when Green Bay Packers wide receiver Donald Driver walked into the room.
Oh my goodness.
Her friends fanned her with their programs and hands. They joked the paramedics would need to revive her.
"This was the best night of my life," she excitedly announced moments after meeting Driver. "I've always wanted to meet him."
She and more than 100 people got to do just that Friday night, and for many it was a long, long wait for this opportunity.
Driver was on-hand at the West Bend Mutual Prairie Center for the Y Sports Night fundraiser. All money raised from the event would benefit the YMCA's Strong Kids Scholarship Campaign program, which aids underfunded members with membership and program fees.
For example, $1,500 raised could pay for a fifth-grader to attend a summer camp at the YMCA. Or $600 would cover a single mother's membership and her children's. Or $1,000 would cover before and after school child care.
Jennifer Schlefke, one of the organizers for the event, said the goal was to raise about $4,500 for the program.
With a 50/50 raffle, a silent auction, a verbal auction and ticket prices for the event, the goal seems to be achievable. Schlefke said she won't know the amount raised until Monday.
Fans who wanted to meet Driver and get his autograph had to pay $80 ($60 for the fundraiser and $20 for the autograph voucher). The first 100 people to sign up for the event, got the voucher to get Driver's autograph and get a picture taken with him.
YMCA Executive Director Rob Johnson said the 100 tickets available for autograph vouchers were popular. They sold out within three days.
Gayle and Rick Steiner said they took just 15 minutes to sign up. Laura Balkevich and Julie Mitchell, both of West Bend, were in the right place at the right time for their tickets. They both work at the YMCA. They didn't hesitate to get their tickets.
"That's the advantage for working at the Y," Mitchell joked.
Puerling's reaction to meeting Green Bay's all-time receptions leader was not unusual.
One fan, moments after sitting on Driver's lap, let out a big holler, whistled and fist-pumped. Oh, her husband was just a few feet away, smiling. Another fan snuck in a peck on Driver's cheek.
Puerling, a 20-year-old West Bend native, got Driver's autograph then leaned over to Driver behind that famous bright pearly white smile and asked if she could hug him.
Of course he agreed. She embraced him long and firm. Then she stood shaking and blushing.
All she thought about Friday was how she was going to meet one of her favorite players on her favorite football team.
Driver also spent about 20 minutes talking to 50 of the kids in the scholarship program. The kids also got a chance to grill the Packers receiver with their own questions.
How much longer are you going to play? What size shoe do you wear? Does your jersey number 80 have any significance? Who are the Packers going to beat in next year's Super Bowl?
Many fans admitted its his personality and values are the reasons why they admire Driver.
One fan also admitted, "He's cute!"
His smile certainly is a soft spot for many of the women, especially Puerling.
Driver arrived at the event in black stretch limo at about 10 minutes to 7 p.m. Everybody who had a camera within reach quickly snapped a photo of him as he flashed that famous smile.
"Oh my God that was so exciting," one fan exclaimed.

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